Vengeance: Punishment that is inflicted in return for a wrong
When someone does us wrong, it's our natural instinct to strike revenge on them back. We feel the need to pull off some inhumane stunt so the person who has done us wrong will suffer even more than we have. This negative energy we have, illuminates the evil person within us. We unleash what we thought would never be unleash and we let out a monster that cannot be tamed.
Why do we do this?
We do it for the feeling of satisfaction. You may not admit it, but when the other person is hurt, we're satisfied that they are hurt because they've hurt us. But at the same time we feel compassion for them so we try our best to resolve the problem, and when the problem is resolved, the circle of vengeance and revenge resurfaces.
"There is no point in keeping vengeance or stubbornness." Don't let your pride control your emotions. When you seek vengeance, you are only wasting your time. Let vengeance walk away and you will find that it has only slowed you down in the past. So learn to forgive others and learn how to forgive yourself.
The only way to fight vengeance is to not fight it at all.
- Meng Yang
Great post, Meng! I agree with what you're saying 100%. & I definitely can relate this to relationships! Thanks for blogging this! :)