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Friday, July 9, 2010

The Black Suit

What I know isn't much but what I know is enough to get me by. There was a time in my life when I told myself I would never become the person I am today. Like life, things never go as plan. Throughout the thriving years I made many promises to myself that were never kept. As I look back at all of these careless promises I've made, I realized that not a single one has been kept. As Drake would say, "What am I doin' What am I doin' Oh, yeah, that's right, I'm doin' me." The truth is that I'm not doing me. This lifestyle isn't who I want to be and this person I am right now isn't who I wish to become. And the sad part is that I've grown accustomed to it like the black suit on Spiderman, turning him into someone he really isn't. But the feeling of this lifestyle is great, just as the feeling of the black suit on Spiderman made him stronger and made him careless about people. The power of the suit made him worry less about the world.

The lifestyle I live is like my black suit, it has made me care less about the people around me and it has made me only think about myself. I've become so selfish that all I think about is me. I stopped caring about the feelings of others and I turned into the complete opposite person of who I wanted to be when I was young.

Ring the bell and I will escape. I made one more promise to myself and it will not be broken. So what am I doin'? Oh, yeah, that's right, I'm doin 'me now.

~ Meng Yang

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