What makes you ugly isn't your face, it's the person behind that face.
- Meng Yang
Searching for Answers

Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
I'll do whatever it takes to win games, whether it's sitting on a bench waving a towel, handing a cup of water to a teammate, or hitting the game-winning shot. ---Kobe Bryant
We can sit here and tell ourselves that this is the best we will get. We can talk about the game and how we'll change. We can blame each other for why everything is going wrong. We can rumor about quitting, giving up, not willing to try anymore. We can walk away from the game and just be homiez. Yeah, we can do all of these things. Better yet, we've already done most of these things.
We can stop playing as individuals and start playing as a team. There comes a time in a person's life when he doesn't want to be second best or just another person anymore. Achieving first can't be done alone. It can't be done with selfishness, stubborness, or a lack of confidence. We're not in a movie, we all can't be heroes. But ironically we all can be the villian. Either we come together as a unit, or this is as far as we will go. In the words of Al Picino. "Either we heal now, as a team, or we will die, as individuals." On a final note, I'll leave you all with some wise words from The Rock, "Know Your Role."
- Meng Yang
We can sit here and tell ourselves that this is the best we will get. We can talk about the game and how we'll change. We can blame each other for why everything is going wrong. We can rumor about quitting, giving up, not willing to try anymore. We can walk away from the game and just be homiez. Yeah, we can do all of these things. Better yet, we've already done most of these things.
We can stop playing as individuals and start playing as a team. There comes a time in a person's life when he doesn't want to be second best or just another person anymore. Achieving first can't be done alone. It can't be done with selfishness, stubborness, or a lack of confidence. We're not in a movie, we all can't be heroes. But ironically we all can be the villian. Either we come together as a unit, or this is as far as we will go. In the words of Al Picino. "Either we heal now, as a team, or we will die, as individuals." On a final note, I'll leave you all with some wise words from The Rock, "Know Your Role."
- Meng Yang
Friday, October 15, 2010
Join The Movement
If you haven't joined the movement, you better hop on. Far East Movement, the first Asian-American group to hit it big in America, has hit it real BIG. I am overjoyed with enthusiasm and excitement for these guys. I had a chance to meet them all about two years ago at the Hmong New Year when they came to Minnesota and performed. They were all super cool, down to Earth, and real. They joked, laughed, and interacted with all their fans. At the time I heard a few of their songs, mostly the ones with Jin but I would never imagine that they would be an overnight sensation.
Just like how America elected President Barack Obama, race was not an issue anymore. FM, an all Asian group has made it big in the music industry which is predominately Caucasian and Black. With their success flying sky high like a G6, they are the foundation for Asian-American artists. I knew FM would be successful, but I did not expect them to blow up so fast. With the likes of Jin failing to top the charts, I thought they would too suffer the same fate, but I was wrong. FM has gone Platinum and words cannot explain how happy I am for these guys. It's a historic week for Asian-Americans everywhere and I'm glad I was a part of it. Three Fingers Up!

Just like how America elected President Barack Obama, race was not an issue anymore. FM, an all Asian group has made it big in the music industry which is predominately Caucasian and Black. With their success flying sky high like a G6, they are the foundation for Asian-American artists. I knew FM would be successful, but I did not expect them to blow up so fast. With the likes of Jin failing to top the charts, I thought they would too suffer the same fate, but I was wrong. FM has gone Platinum and words cannot explain how happy I am for these guys. It's a historic week for Asian-Americans everywhere and I'm glad I was a part of it. Three Fingers Up!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
I Refuse
I refuse to talk to you, get to know you, or take you on a date. I refuse to text you, Facebook you, or telegraph you. It's not that I'm not into you, because most likely I am. I'm just a good human being. I refuse to let you in my life. Why? Because I refuse to use you. I don't want to use you. If I let you walk into my life, it would feel like I am using you. I refuse to be the people who use innocent people as rebounds. I refuse to be the heartless, inconsiderate, evil, manipulating, pathetic human beings that some people are. I cannot allow you to go through what so many others have gone through and I cannot allow myself to move on when I know I am not ready. I hope you understand why I refuse to see you, talk to you, or be with you. I'm just being a good human being.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
The Old
Sometimes I wish my interests would never change. I wish I was still into cartoons, graphic t-shirts with my favorite wrestlers on them, velcro shoes, shopping with my mom, and many other things. As we grow up and find new interests, we lose the ones that have given us the best memories. I can only speak for myself, but damn I miss the old times. The times that staying in on a Friday or Saturday night was the plan. The times when alarm clocks were your favorite cartoon shows in the morning. The times when bikes and your legs were the only source of transportation. The times when a 20 dollar bill made me feel rich and when money wasn't everything. I didn't even see my interests change in front of my eyes and now I miss them like crazy.
What happened to the old? It didn't seem like much back then, but now it means the world to me. Having fun used to be so effortless and easy. Now everyone needs a drink, a blunt or pills to have a good time. Not the old though, the old didn't need any of that. The old was innocent, pure, and obnoxious. But it's called "The Old" for a reason and all I can do is simply reminisce about it. So I raise my glass to The Old, and bid you a fine farewell. To the old moments and to the new old.
- Meng Yang
What happened to the old? It didn't seem like much back then, but now it means the world to me. Having fun used to be so effortless and easy. Now everyone needs a drink, a blunt or pills to have a good time. Not the old though, the old didn't need any of that. The old was innocent, pure, and obnoxious. But it's called "The Old" for a reason and all I can do is simply reminisce about it. So I raise my glass to The Old, and bid you a fine farewell. To the old moments and to the new old.
- Meng Yang
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Into the Future
My alarm clock sounds. It's 8AM and time for work. I wake up, alone in my two bedroom apartment on the 21st floor. I check my phone; a couple messages from my girlfriend. It's the middle of November and I'm freezing. With no shirt on, I snatch up my blanket and wrap it around me like a robe. I walk towards the bathroom with the blanket dragging behind me. Do my morning routine and get dressed for work. Today's going to be the grey suit and black tie. Plain and simple. I walk into the kitchen and take a moment to look at my spectacular view of New York City from the 21st floor. Sometimes I glance forever because the view is so Magnificent. It's lightly snowing today and the Christmas spirit seems to be in the air. Still staring out into the city, I snap back into focus; have a quick bowl of Fruit Loops and out the door I go.

I work about six blocks away so I just walk to work. Hundreds of people fill the streets of New York City and that's just the way I like it. The temperature is about 40 degrees Fahrenheit and I love it. The snow, the cool blustery wind that slaps your face, the ugly slush on the side of the roads, and all the Christmas decorations. This is my kind of city. It takes me about 20 minutes to get to work. I work on the intensely busy street of 8th Ave. The building is massive and I didn't get used to it for quite a while. I get to my office and it's hectic, like it always is, but today it seems a bit more chaotic. Some thing big must have happened last night or earlier this morning. I head over to my desk and try to begin work, but Whitney, a long time friend of mine from college starts telling me about her relationship problems. I listen, nod my head, and give her some advice. I'm no love doctor but it seems like they all come to me for advice. I don't mind it though, as a matter of fact, I enjoy it.
Anyway, I turn my computer on and start my assignment from the previous day. I'm writing an article about dreams. It's about a kid from Minnesota who dreamed of becoming a journalist for a national newspaper. Everyone laughed at him, thought his writing would never take him anywhere, and thought his dream was impossible. I'm working on the ending as of right now and I think know exactly what to write.
"The ending of his story is answered above." (Scroll up to the beginning.)

- Meng Yang
I work about six blocks away so I just walk to work. Hundreds of people fill the streets of New York City and that's just the way I like it. The temperature is about 40 degrees Fahrenheit and I love it. The snow, the cool blustery wind that slaps your face, the ugly slush on the side of the roads, and all the Christmas decorations. This is my kind of city. It takes me about 20 minutes to get to work. I work on the intensely busy street of 8th Ave. The building is massive and I didn't get used to it for quite a while. I get to my office and it's hectic, like it always is, but today it seems a bit more chaotic. Some thing big must have happened last night or earlier this morning. I head over to my desk and try to begin work, but Whitney, a long time friend of mine from college starts telling me about her relationship problems. I listen, nod my head, and give her some advice. I'm no love doctor but it seems like they all come to me for advice. I don't mind it though, as a matter of fact, I enjoy it.
Anyway, I turn my computer on and start my assignment from the previous day. I'm writing an article about dreams. It's about a kid from Minnesota who dreamed of becoming a journalist for a national newspaper. Everyone laughed at him, thought his writing would never take him anywhere, and thought his dream was impossible. I'm working on the ending as of right now and I think know exactly what to write.
"The ending of his story is answered above." (Scroll up to the beginning.)
- Meng Yang
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
I Can't Read
So I recently found out that I can't read. You heard me right, I can't read for shit. Hard to believe right? All this time I thought of myself as a pretty good reader. I believed I was ahead of my class in reading, but it turns out that I'm not. I suck at it. Like real bad too. When did I find out? Last month. How did I find out? I just realized. Sometimes you just have so much stuff going on in your head that you finally figure something out and it makes total sense. The light bulb lights up and there you go with the realization. So since I can't read, it looks like I'll be starting all over again. First off I have to sound it out, think to myself if what I read is what it really is. Then I have to make sure what I read is the truth. I've been away from the game for a long time, so I can't really blame anyone but myself. I'm going to try my best to re-learn how to read and get back to my old form. It's a sad thing to take in, but I just can't read women anymore.
-Meng Yang
-Meng Yang
Thursday, September 2, 2010
What a Man Wants & What a Man Needs
How can you tell when a girl is wrong for you? It's simple. If the only reason you're spending quality time with a girl is because of her physical attributes, she's wrong for you. If you are unable to conduct a mature and decent conversation with her, she's wrong for you. If all you do is think about getting her naked, she's wrong for you. (I'm talking relationship wise, not booty-call wise.) If at anytime when you're with her and you think about another girl you wish you could be with right then; it's a dead giveaway, she's wrong for you. And the most obvious reason she might be wrong for you is when you're already questioning if she's wrong for you.
There are two types of women that men are interested in. The first type I like to call, "Easy Access." Meaning the girls are easy and are around for one reason only. This is the type of girl that men love. Well, for that particular moment. Men aren't interested in developing a serious relationship with these girls, but they sure do love to have them around. It's simple, "Easy Access" girls are not Mrs. Right but they are Mrs. Right Now. They're what a man wants.
The second type of women that men are interested in are the ones I like to call, "No Bullshit Girls'."(NBS Girls) They are the type of women who know what they want in life and are dedicated to what they are doing. They don't take no bullshit from any man. They have big dreams and they're going to reach them with or without a man. They can survive without a man's existence but prefer not to. They're the ones that are worth every second of the chase and the ones that can drive a man delusional. NBS Girls are the type that a man wants to actually listen to. A man actually wants to know about their day and what they did, not just to get lucky that night. Men want to develop a long and lasting relationship with this type of woman and a man will put his chips on the table and go all in. These women are the women men will play for keeps with. (Like playing Pokemon, you either play for fun, or you play for keeps.) There's just something about NBS women that a man will alter his universe for. They're the ones worth every second of a man's time and they are what a man needs.
- Meng Yang
There are two types of women that men are interested in. The first type I like to call, "Easy Access." Meaning the girls are easy and are around for one reason only. This is the type of girl that men love. Well, for that particular moment. Men aren't interested in developing a serious relationship with these girls, but they sure do love to have them around. It's simple, "Easy Access" girls are not Mrs. Right but they are Mrs. Right Now. They're what a man wants.
The second type of women that men are interested in are the ones I like to call, "No Bullshit Girls'."(NBS Girls) They are the type of women who know what they want in life and are dedicated to what they are doing. They don't take no bullshit from any man. They have big dreams and they're going to reach them with or without a man. They can survive without a man's existence but prefer not to. They're the ones that are worth every second of the chase and the ones that can drive a man delusional. NBS Girls are the type that a man wants to actually listen to. A man actually wants to know about their day and what they did, not just to get lucky that night. Men want to develop a long and lasting relationship with this type of woman and a man will put his chips on the table and go all in. These women are the women men will play for keeps with. (Like playing Pokemon, you either play for fun, or you play for keeps.) There's just something about NBS women that a man will alter his universe for. They're the ones worth every second of a man's time and they are what a man needs.
- Meng Yang
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Waking Up
She goes through her day like nothing's happened. She doesn't talk about it and her friends don't bring it up. During the day she's happy and moving forward. It seems like nothing can get in her way. She goes to parties and loves the single life. Guys all around her, wanting to be with her, but she smoothly plays it off and continues her new single life. She can't get attached again, she's learned her lesson. A fragile heart that once peaked for a small moment is back in the vault, not trusting a soul.
Her days are full of smiles and laughter. Her nights are exhausting so she has no trouble falling asleep. But her mornings are different. When she wakes up, it's not happiness she feels, and it's not what she wants to feel. Every morning when she wakes up; she misses him. Like nothing in the world matters. She spends most of her mornings in bed just thinking. It hurts because he's gone and all she has left is the "miss" in the morning. Every morning her mornings are bad, never good. She wakes up and goes on with her days, her nights, and her mornings. The cycle goes on.
She parties, she flirts, she enjoys herself. Her days are full and her nights are joyous. She falls asleep with no trouble but she has no idea what is to come the next morning.
When she wakes up, she gets out of bed and she starts her day.
- M. Yang
Her days are full of smiles and laughter. Her nights are exhausting so she has no trouble falling asleep. But her mornings are different. When she wakes up, it's not happiness she feels, and it's not what she wants to feel. Every morning when she wakes up; she misses him. Like nothing in the world matters. She spends most of her mornings in bed just thinking. It hurts because he's gone and all she has left is the "miss" in the morning. Every morning her mornings are bad, never good. She wakes up and goes on with her days, her nights, and her mornings. The cycle goes on.
She parties, she flirts, she enjoys herself. Her days are full and her nights are joyous. She falls asleep with no trouble but she has no idea what is to come the next morning.
When she wakes up, she gets out of bed and she starts her day.
- M. Yang
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Vengeance: Punishment that is inflicted in return for a wrong
When someone does us wrong, it's our natural instinct to strike revenge on them back. We feel the need to pull off some inhumane stunt so the person who has done us wrong will suffer even more than we have. This negative energy we have, illuminates the evil person within us. We unleash what we thought would never be unleash and we let out a monster that cannot be tamed.
Why do we do this?
We do it for the feeling of satisfaction. You may not admit it, but when the other person is hurt, we're satisfied that they are hurt because they've hurt us. But at the same time we feel compassion for them so we try our best to resolve the problem, and when the problem is resolved, the circle of vengeance and revenge resurfaces.
"There is no point in keeping vengeance or stubbornness." Don't let your pride control your emotions. When you seek vengeance, you are only wasting your time. Let vengeance walk away and you will find that it has only slowed you down in the past. So learn to forgive others and learn how to forgive yourself.
The only way to fight vengeance is to not fight it at all.
- Meng Yang
When someone does us wrong, it's our natural instinct to strike revenge on them back. We feel the need to pull off some inhumane stunt so the person who has done us wrong will suffer even more than we have. This negative energy we have, illuminates the evil person within us. We unleash what we thought would never be unleash and we let out a monster that cannot be tamed.
Why do we do this?
We do it for the feeling of satisfaction. You may not admit it, but when the other person is hurt, we're satisfied that they are hurt because they've hurt us. But at the same time we feel compassion for them so we try our best to resolve the problem, and when the problem is resolved, the circle of vengeance and revenge resurfaces.
"There is no point in keeping vengeance or stubbornness." Don't let your pride control your emotions. When you seek vengeance, you are only wasting your time. Let vengeance walk away and you will find that it has only slowed you down in the past. So learn to forgive others and learn how to forgive yourself.
The only way to fight vengeance is to not fight it at all.
- Meng Yang
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Technology of Life
My recent attempt to go a week without technology was a failure. Not because I wasn't able to do it, but because I found no point in doing it anymore. Sure, I was suppose to show that technology isn't everything, but the fact of the matter is, it is everything. As I went along with my week, the two days I went without technology only made me think about technology even more. It made me think about how much of life I was missing. It's not the technology itself that is my life, but the life inside the technology. For instance, my phone isn't my life but the people who matter most in my life are in my phone. And by shutting off my phone, I lost all contact with the people that mattered most to me. By not going on Facebook I had no clue what everyone was up to.
Attempting this experiment, I thought I would find myself more adventurous and a better person but that didn't happen. I isolated myself from the people who mattered most and the only adventure I could have was by myself. I wanted to share my adventure with my friends but I was unable to due to the lack of communication. Family and friends were not able to contact me if they needed me and that was a hassle on my part. I walked around with meaningless in my life and the only way I would have meaning back in my life was through communication through technology.
I figured that living life with nearly no source of communication with the people I care for the most wasn't living at all.
I asked myself the same question over and over, "Why am I trying to fight something that benefits everyone so well?" It's true that I did this experiment to see what it is like for kids in poverty to not have the type of communication and technology we have, but if we are able to provide them with the same items we have, their lives would evolve tremendously.
After the measly two days without technology, I came to a conclusion that I can live without technology, but I can't live without the people in my technology.
"So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half-asleep, even when they're busy doing things they think are important. This is because they're chasing the wrong things. The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning."
- Morrie Schwartz from the book Tuesdays with Morrie
---Meng Yang
Attempting this experiment, I thought I would find myself more adventurous and a better person but that didn't happen. I isolated myself from the people who mattered most and the only adventure I could have was by myself. I wanted to share my adventure with my friends but I was unable to due to the lack of communication. Family and friends were not able to contact me if they needed me and that was a hassle on my part. I walked around with meaningless in my life and the only way I would have meaning back in my life was through communication through technology.
I figured that living life with nearly no source of communication with the people I care for the most wasn't living at all.
I asked myself the same question over and over, "Why am I trying to fight something that benefits everyone so well?" It's true that I did this experiment to see what it is like for kids in poverty to not have the type of communication and technology we have, but if we are able to provide them with the same items we have, their lives would evolve tremendously.
After the measly two days without technology, I came to a conclusion that I can live without technology, but I can't live without the people in my technology.
"So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half-asleep, even when they're busy doing things they think are important. This is because they're chasing the wrong things. The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning."
- Morrie Schwartz from the book Tuesdays with Morrie
---Meng Yang
Monday, July 12, 2010
She's just not that into you
When you fall from being up so high, you make sure you don't ever go up that high again. At some point you were so happy that you finally found a girl that is actually worth all the crap you have to go through. You stop talking to all the other girls in the world and focus completely on her. Even though everyone may think you're a "Player," you stop your flirtatious ways because for a moment, just a moment you feel like this girl is something special. She's something different and she's something you want a part of your life. Though you feel as the relationship will turn out to be something great; the truth is she's just not that into me.
Friday, July 9, 2010
The Black Suit
What I know isn't much but what I know is enough to get me by. There was a time in my life when I told myself I would never become the person I am today. Like life, things never go as plan. Throughout the thriving years I made many promises to myself that were never kept. As I look back at all of these careless promises I've made, I realized that not a single one has been kept. As Drake would say, "What am I doin' What am I doin' Oh, yeah, that's right, I'm doin' me." The truth is that I'm not doing me. This lifestyle isn't who I want to be and this person I am right now isn't who I wish to become. And the sad part is that I've grown accustomed to it like the black suit on Spiderman, turning him into someone he really isn't. But the feeling of this lifestyle is great, just as the feeling of the black suit on Spiderman made him stronger and made him careless about people. The power of the suit made him worry less about the world.
The lifestyle I live is like my black suit, it has made me care less about the people around me and it has made me only think about myself. I've become so selfish that all I think about is me. I stopped caring about the feelings of others and I turned into the complete opposite person of who I wanted to be when I was young.
Ring the bell and I will escape. I made one more promise to myself and it will not be broken. So what am I doin'? Oh, yeah, that's right, I'm doin 'me now.
~ Meng Yang
The lifestyle I live is like my black suit, it has made me care less about the people around me and it has made me only think about myself. I've become so selfish that all I think about is me. I stopped caring about the feelings of others and I turned into the complete opposite person of who I wanted to be when I was young.
Ring the bell and I will escape. I made one more promise to myself and it will not be broken. So what am I doin'? Oh, yeah, that's right, I'm doin 'me now.
~ Meng Yang
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