Dear Meng The Adult,
This is Meng The teen. I just thought that I'd write you a letter discussing the big move that you're about to make. It's been 17 long years. We've had some fun, and we've had some struggles. Actually, we've had a lot more struggles than we had fun. I'm just reminding you that, no matter how hard the next step gets, you need to face the music and give it everything you have. There's a reason why and how I got to where I am right now. I never gave up, even when everyone was against me, and I mean everyone. I know there are 6 billion people out there, but no one, and I mean no one has a bigger heart than I do. I only hope that it grows even bigger when it's with you. I also want to remind you that having fun is manageable. Don't forget to have those crazy weekends where you don't remember anything. Don't forget to show some love to the real people who matter in your life, and never ever forget who you are. This is it man, this your chance to show everyone who's ever doubted you that you are more than just an average person. Ten years from now, I hope I can recognize you.
Sincerely, Meng Yang - 17
March 8, 2009